Eager to change?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 3:10-20
“What should we do then?” the crowd asked.” (Luke 3:10)
John is speaking to those he baptized, challenging them to change.
Two questions come up: how do we change, and how can we change.
To the first question John speaks into their lives personally.
What does it mean for the wealthy, for tax collectors, for soldiers.
We can also apply this life change to our own life circumstances.
As teachers, as parents, as employees, as investers, as factory workers.
The other question is critical too: how can we change like this?
“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Luke 3:16)
Water baptism does not change us, the Spirit of Jesus does!
Having been baptized, I am assured that the Spirit of Jesus is in me.
“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
The Spirit helps me to apply God’s grace to the details of my life.
And the Spirit helps me to change, working with me to live like Jesus.
Am I eager to know how to live differently, and am I seeking His help to do it?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I cannot change myself. But with Your help I can change. Help me to want to know how to change, and help me to change!


  1. “He went….preaching a baptism of repentance…” (vs. 3)
    “But when John rebuked Herod….” (vs. 19)
    It struck me that John was not afraid to speak the truth.
    How can I balance truth and grace especially when dealing with new believers?
    How can we balance truth and grace with each other?
    How important it is to have a vibrant relationship with God so that we can hear and yield to the Spirit’s leading in tricky situations!

  2. Baptized.
    Water means cleansing.
    Holy Spirit means leading and guiding.
    Fire shows God’s glory but it also cleanses and purifies and inspires. Remember Moses?
    How then should I live?
    Jesus is ready to give us the fire of His Spirit so that I may radiate His joy and truth for the joy of the Lord God is my strength. Like John, I too am called to be an epistle of Christ – living for Jesus – being read by all.
    By my actions, words, daily living, daily work must show that Christ is living in me. And I can only do this by His power led by His Spirit to show the Way to others.

    Spirit of the living God,
    Fall afresh on me.
    Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
    Spirit of the living God,
    Fall afresh on me.

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