Counting on His help!

“Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage.” (Ezra 7:28)
I saw a video of a young boy struggling to catch a large, heavy fish.
The boy was visibly upset, he was pleading with his dad for help.
Dad put his hands around his son’s hands, and the boy smiled as he started reeling it in.
By himself the boy could not do it, but with His father’s hand on him, he took courage.
Ezra faced a daunting task, going to Israel to rebuild the temple from ruins.
Where would he get the money, the manpower, and how could he succeed without help.
But then God’s hands – in the form of the king’s support – surround him.
An official letter, gold and silver and permission to take anyone who wanted to go.
Ezra sensed the Lord’s backing, and this gave him courage!
I stand before a daunting task, beginning a new ministry in a larger church.
But I too have seen signs of the Lord’s hands, and I am encouraged.
As Jesus followers committed to Jesus’ work, we can count in His support.
When He commissioned us, He also promised to be with us always, to the end!
Where is He leading you to serve, and are you finding courage in His hands?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for the sense of Your hands. Help me to expect great things from You, help me to attempt great things for You… knowing You are with me!

One Comment

  1. Who do we depend upon?
    Our own strength or God’s?
    The gracious hand of God was upon Ezra. He devoted himself to the study of the Law and its decrees. Even the king recognized that.
    God’s amazing grace when the government recognizes God’s hand and willingly makes decisions to do His will. And that they recognize the wisdom of the religious leaders.
    How do I apply God’s Word in my daily life? Do others see Christ living in me? Am I a witness to His word as I live each day in His presence? I need to go forward each day in His power and apply His Word in my living for Jesus. He makes me strong and capable.

    If we in our own strength confide
    Our striving would be losing
    Unless God’s man is on our side
    The man of God’s own choosing
    You ask who that may be
    Christ Jesus, it is He
    The Lord of Hosts, His name
    From age to age the same
    And He must win the battle

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