Put the choir out front!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Chronicles 18-20
“He appointed men to sing to the Lord at the head of the army.” (2 Chronicles 20:21)
What a war strategy – put the choir on the front lines.
But this was a powerful lessons, one the runs through all these chapters.
It is the Lord, and not our own strength or smarts, that makes us successful.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.” (2 Chronicles 20:21)
Do I go into my day putting the choir first… that is praying the Lord?
Do I take on a challenge reaffirming my confidence in the Lord?
Do I give thanks to the Lord BEFORE I see how He will help me?
Praise and thanks is an important part of our daily work and warfare.
Satan will do his best to distract us with fear and doubt.
When we face difficulties, do we give voice to the fears, or to our faith?
Do we exalt the size of our problems, or do we exalt the size of our God?
How we speak when we face crises tells us a lot about where our focus lies.
As Jesus followers, we fix our eyes on Jesus, Who defeated the devil for us.
As Jesus followers, we face our daily challenges with the choir of praise up front!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for forgetting to put the choir out front. I can start my day today, and go through every day, giving thanks to You, for Your love endures forever!

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