To smarten me up!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Chronicles 11-13
“You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you.” (2 Chronicles 12:5)
If we walk away from God, we will miss out on life with God (He will still love us).
As with the prodigal son, the Father lets us take the inheritance and run.
He does this to teach us what life is like without Him (2 Chronicles 12:8).
God is not being mean, He is giving us what we prefer.
He loves us too much to force us to do what we do not want to do.
We are free agents, not forced puppets, and this freedom is risky.
Our world is the mess that it is because God has given us the freedom to choose.
When we reach for God, and seek to honour and serve Him, He will help us.
But when we let go of God, He lets us experience life that way, to smarten us up.
How much do I seek to keep the Lord a part of my everyday life?
If I don’t seek Him when I don’t need Him, am I surprised He’s distant when I do?
Thankfully, we see with Rehoboam that there’s always a chance to repent.
The Lord loves me and wants fellowship with me, but He will not force it on me.
He will abandon me to my preferred isolation, but only to bring me to my senses.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I confess that I go into my day without seeking You, and sometimes live my life as if You were not there. Help me to learn my lesson from the less-than satisfying results.

One Comment

  1. The Lord directs by His voice – for ‘this is what the Word of the Lord says.’
    Listening to His Voice and obeying it. Hearing His voice and doing it. Seeking His voice in all activities for direction. God reliance and not self reliance.
    Seek the Lord daily in all activities and never abandon Him. Listen to Voice saying this is the way. Walk in it. Each day anew I need to walk with my living Saviour for today, this day is a day that the Lord has made. Today God Is First (TGIF).

    This is the day
    This is the day
    That the Lord has made
    That the Lord has made
    We will rejoice
    We will rejoice
    And be glad in it
    And be glad in it
    This is the day that the Lord has made
    We will rejoice and be glad in it
    This is the day
    This is the day
    That the Lord has made.

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