Pray to Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Chronicles 5-7
“May you hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.” (2 Chronicles 6:20)
Solomon knows that God cannot be bound by a man-made temple.
But he still asks God to tie Himself to the temple.
When people look to the temple for help, may God hear and respond.
For Solomon, the people need a physical, visible symbol to relate to.
Originally, God intended to be physical and visible among us, with us.
Recall how God comes to walk in the garden with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:7).
God willingly reduces Himself to experience life with us.
But sinful rebellion has ruined our direct fellowship with God.
Now we can’t see God, relate to God, or even properly understand God.
God in grace still reduces Himself to rebuild our broken fellowship.
This temple is one such reduction; God ties Himself to this temple.
But the temple is a building, not a person; God wants a personal relationship.
God becomes human again, this time to rescue of from our sin-cursed misery.
Now as Jesus followers, we pray to Jesus, not the temple… and God hears!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are the personal heart and face of God, stooping to my weakness to set me back on my feet. I look to You, I pray to You, and I know that You hear me!

One Comment

  1. God with us.
    The people gathered together at the completion of the temple and the glory of the Lord shone around and filled the temple. God chose this place to live among His people. This place was a reminder of His covenant with His people teaching them how to live. Always come into His presence for although He reigns in Heaven this place will remind the people to live in His presence and come into His presence always for the glory of the Lord resides there.
    God with His people.
    God with us.
    All praise His holy name.
    Bring a sacrifice of praise.
    Walk and talk with the risen Saviour each and every day for He reigns.
    Walk in His presence also this day.
    He is Lord!
    May that be evident in all I do this day – walking and talking and singing with my Saviour.

    Come into His Presence with thanksgiving in your heart
    And give Him praise, and give Him praise
    Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart
    Your voices raise, your voices raise
    Give glory and honor and power unto Him
    Jesus the name above all names

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