
THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 10:35-40
“To sit at my right or left is not for me to grant.” (Mark 10:40)
Do you think of Jesus primarily as God or human?
As Christians we believe God became human in Jesus.
But sometimes we forget He emptied Himself of His God nature (Philippians 2:6-8).
Jesus let go of being all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present.
He became Adam (human), with all our human limitations – dependent on God.
Everything He did, He did as a human: with us, like us, for us.
Jesus does not use His authority like sinful humans do; He humbles Himself.
He does not take privileges for Himself, nor give them to His friends.
He submits to God, He reflects God’s loving, humble character (“like God”).
“These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.” (Mark 10:40)
Originally, God prepared for all humans to rule like Jesus, in highest authority.
Now it is greed and selfishness that prompt us to position ourselves over others.
This is not God’s way, nor Jesus’ way… their way is to humbly serve others.
As a Jesus follower, am I seeking a ‘position’, or seeking submission?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, make me a servant… like You, like Adam (before sin), like God. Forgive me for trying to fill myself. Help me to empty myself like You did!

One Comment

  1. Jesus cam to serve.
    In doing that He gave up His ruling power – a suffering servant – like one of us – human.
    And we too will suffer for the name of Jesus if we truly are His followers. As His follower I too must lay down my selfish desires each day anew to serve Him. To serve Him is to reign with Him. I need to as Christ unto all and serve.
    Make me a servant Lord that I make seek to serve rather than be served.

    Make me a servant Humble and meek
    Lord let me lift up
    Those who are weak
    And may the prayer
    Of my heart always be
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant today

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