taking fire seriously

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 6
1. “And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where ” `their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’ [Mark 9:47-48] The ever-burning fire for sin and guilt offerings. Reminds me of what Jesus says about the fires of gehenna [symbol for final judgment. The wages of sin is not just a rap on the hand, but for those who refuse to get straight with God, they experience the eternal consequence of judgment.

2. Those who deceive or cheat their neighbour must not only confess their sin, they must also make restitution (20%). This teaches us that God’s concern is not just that we “say sorry” but that we do what we can’t make things right. Think of Zacchaeus [Luke 19:8]

3. The aroma that pleases God is not the smell of the sacrifice, but the heart behind it. When we fully offer ourselves to the Lord in humility, repentance and devotion, He is pleased [Romans 12:1-2].

4. God uses the grain offering as lunch for the priests and levites. Same with the meat from the other offerings (beef or lamb). Because they do not inherit land like the other tribes, this is how they feed themselves while at ‘work’. In addition the gifts of the tithe (10%) presented by the Israelites were also designated for providing for their families.

5. Not only is sin contagious, so is holiness. Anything that touches these most holy things will themselves become holy. This is a good reminder that we become what we cling to. If we lean towards God, we become more like God; if we lean away from Him, we become less like Him.

6. Today I have a candle burning. A little fire is good, it gives light and warmth (Jesus). But it also reminds me of the big fire, the fire that does not go out. God does not vindictively put us in this fire, we choose it. If we choose to live apart from God, we will get what we want… for eternity.

Lord, impress upon my heart that when I sin, I am likely to get burned. Help me to draw close to You, and to allow Your goodness to infect me.

One Comment

  1. Observations:

    Lord, forgive our trespasses I pray. We may distinguish the degree of the trespass, yet all of it is a sin in the Lord’s eyes. When making amends, there is a 20% increase of returns to the owner. It costs to say I’m sorry, please forgive me. The compensation is not only to the neighbour but also to his Lord so that there is restoration – a wholeness once again.

    With the whole burntoffering and the peace offering, the fire must not go out. The fire purifies so all is acceptable to the Lord and this must be continuous. Purify my heart O Lord – refiner’s fire.

    The grain offering was pleasing to the Lord – reminds me of Cain and Able’s sacrifices – acceptable to the Lord. All of my life I will praise the living God so that I may bring a sacrifice of praise acceptable to Him always.

    These sacrifices remind me once again of God’s Words – do this and live. Be holy for I am holy. You have given us the way to live. Help me Lord to live in tune with Your Word this day and every day You give me to serve You.
    Purify my heart

    Let me be as gold and precious silver.
    Purify my heart
    Let me be as gold, pure gold.

    Refiner’s fire, my heart’s one desire
    Is to be holy, set apart for You, Lord.
    I choose to be holy, set apart for You, my Master;
    Ready to do Your will

    Purify my heart;
    Cleanse me from within and make me holy;
    Purify my heart;
    Cleanse me from my sin, deep within.

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