God blesses His anointed!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 1 Chronicles 11-16
“Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.” (1 Chronicles 16:22)
The story of Israel shows how God favours the underdog.
He makes this slave nation His appointed prophets for the world.
To show the world that there is only one God, and He stands for the little people.
God chooses David, the youngest son, a shepherd boy, to be the greatest king!
The church similarly is made up of little people doing great things.
Jesus followers are mighty warriors of grace, mercy and love.
The kingdom of God comes with power, as we serve our anointed king.
And God protects his anointed prophets, guaranteeing their ultimate victory.
As Christians, we are ‘anointed ones’ (‘Christ’ means anointed).
God is with us, God is for us, we are living under His gracious blessing.
As we put our hand to His kingdom work, He will grant us success.
But this assurance is ONLY for those who live as His prophets, for His purpose.
Jesus promises “I am with You always” (Matthew 28:18-20) to those who go for Him.
May today’s reading inspire me to be a mighty warrior for my king, for His kingdom!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for using Your blessings for my comfort and ease. Help me to see – and use – Your blessings for the purpose of blessing others, that the whole world will know Your love!

One Comment

  1. David was anointed as was promised. He was powerful since the Lord God was with Him. In the battles, the Lord God gave the victory.
    Many men came to join David – lead by the Spirit and David had a great army – like the army of God.
    Emmanuel. God with us.
    Seeing the hand of God in the lives of the people then is one thing but I need to have open eyes to see the hand of God in my life today as I continue to follow Him. God with me.
    Do I have the eyes that see His presence?
    Do I have the feet that walk in His Way?
    Do I have the hands that do His will?
    As David inquired of God I too need to talk with my God to walk in His Way. I need to listen to His voice saying – this is the way. Walk in it. TGIF – Today God Is First!

    Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
    Striving to please Him in all that I do;
    Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
    This is the pathway of blessing for me.
    O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
    For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me;
    I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne;
    My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.
    Living for Jesus Who died in my place,
    Bearing on Calv’ry my sin and disgrace;
    Such love constrains me to answer His call,
    Follow His leading and give Him my all.
    Living for Jesus, wherever I am,
    Doing each duty in His holy Name;
    Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
    Deeming each trial a part of my cross.
    Living for Jesus through earth’s little while,
    My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
    Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
    Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.

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