breaking bread with Jesus

breadAs part of the Leviticus challenge, I am carry a slice of bread with me through the day. As I read about the grain offerings in Leviticus 2, and saw them as part of the CONSECRATION offerings (devoting oneself to the Lord), I wanted to remind myself through the day of my own consecration to the Lord. Its not unleavened, I am not focussing on that symbol. Jesus is my source of life and LIFE, I depend on Him for everything. Through Him, I am also a priest, and therefore I can share in this symbol. At the end of the day, I will eat half, and offer the other half.

One interesting thing. As I went to get the slice of bread, I had a full loaf just baked, and two leftover slices from a previous loaf. Without thinking I first grabbed for the leftover piece, then thought about it. No leftovers for the Lord, He deserves the first and freshest piece. And I get to share it with Him.

Enjoy the Leviticus challenge!

One Comment

  1. Re: offering our best. I think of the times I’ve cleared my pantry of unused cans for food bank donations (leftovers) instead of giving my time for a special trip to the grocery store to buy best brands as my offering to Him (the hungry)

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