THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Kings 12-14:29
“Jehoahaz sought the Lord’s favor, and the Lord listened to him.” (2 Kings 13:4)
How bad do things have to get before God stop helping us?
Jehoahaz, like all the other kings of Israel, did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
And yet, when he gets in trouble and cries out to God, God listens and helps.
Through all the messed up drama of these chapters, God’s grace shines through.
He does not give up on us, even when we give up on Him!
No person, no matter how far from God they may be, is beyond God’s grace.
And when they cry out in despair and misery, He is listening and will help.
In fact, God allows us to experience the misery of sin so we come to our senses.
We need to learn, one way or another, that life if unbearable without God.
As Jesus followers, we have experienced the wonder of God’s mercy.
God comes to us through Jesus to show us how far He will go to help us.
Jesus’ life, death and resurrection demonstrate the full extent of God’s love.
Is there someone you know and love that is far from God, and living recklessly?
Do not give up on them, God is not done with them yet.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your response to sinners assures me that no one is beyond Your mercy. As I think of those who are far from You, give me courage to see that there’s always hope for the worst of sinners!
The kings either did good or evil in the yes of the Lord.
We live always in His presence.
He knows all.
Even when the king did good, the people still worshipped the false gods for all the idols were not destroyed.
Even when the evil king reigned, God’s purpose was still fulfilled. He is still in charge when we may think that evil reigns. Each will die for their own sin. God always claims His own.
My God reigns.
Grace. Mercy. Truth Reigns.
Grace and truth shall mark the way
Where the Lord His own will lead,
If His Word they still obey
And His testimonies heed.
For Thy Name’s sake hear Thou me,
For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
Pardon my iniquity,
For my sin is very great.
He who walks in godly fear
In the path of truth shall go;
Peace shall be his portion here,
And his sons all good shall know.
They that fear and love the Lord
Shall His holy friendship know;
He will grace to them accord,
And His faithful covenant show.
Ever are my longing eyes
On the Lord, whose watchful care,
When my foes their plots devise,
Keeps my feet from every snare.
Turn to me, Thy grace impart,
I am desolate indeed;
Great the troubles of my heart;
Save Thou me, O Lord, I plead.
Look on mine afflicted state,
Freely all my sins forgive;
Mark my foes, their cruel hate;
Keep my soul and let me live.
Shame me not; I hide in Thee;
Truth and right preserve me still;
Mark Thy people, Lord my God,
Save Thou from every ill.