Lord save us from ourselves!

THE STORY OF JESUS: 2 Kings 8:16-11
“Jehu destroyed Ahab’s family, according to the word of the Lord.” (2 Kings 8:17)
As a Jesus follower, I have a hard time reading these chapters.
It all seems to contrary to the Spirit and teaching of Jesus.
Actually, I think this is the point; Jesus intentionally exposes the way of sin.
The old testament shows how we desperately need God’s grace to fix this mess.
But how can God support all this bloodshed, if it goes against the character of God?
God has no choice but to work within the limits and flaws of human nature.
God doesn’t cause violence, but allows our freedom and sin to work itself out.
Violence begets violence, corruption produces corruption, sin always ends in death!
God warns us what happens when sinful humans take the lead (Romans 8:28-32).
Jesus alone breaks the mold, He refuses to play the sinful power game.
He is the first king to resist Satan’s ways, and fully follow God’s ways.
What we see in these chapters is what will happen in our world, without God’s help.
What we see in Jesus is what will happen in our world, if we surrender to Him.
I don’t know about you, but for me: I choose Jesus and the way of Jesus!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this world will continue to devolve into violence and despair. Thank You for giving us a vision of a better world, and for making that world possible! Lord save us from ourselves!

One Comment

  1. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord is a common refrain.
    And the Word of the Lord comes to pass.
    God uses people His purpose to fulfill – to do what is right in His eyes His purposes to fulfill.
    As the king goes, so do the people. By God’s grace, He raises leaders who walk in His Way to return the people back to serving God.
    We need to pray for our leaders that they walk in His Light doing His will exercising justice and mercy guided by His Spirit.
    God is in charge also today and His will will be done. Our world belongs to God and He has overcome and this world will one day be His.
    Creation regained.
    His kingdom restored.
    Follow Him.

    This is my Father’s world:
    O let me ne’er forget
    That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
    God is the Ruler yet.
    This is my Father’s world:
    Why should my heart be sad?
    The Lord is King: let the heavens ring!
    God reigns; let earth be glad!

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