God’s love shown through Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 6:30-34
“When Jesus saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them.” (Mark 6:34)
Jesus is concerned for his disciples, and invites them to a quiet time of retreat.
Jesus is concerned for the desperate, and teaches them about God’s kingdom.
Jesus is concerned for you, for me, and for all people.
He is inviting you to experience God’s mercy, grace, hope and blessing.
God sent Jesus into the world to restore the lost and to heal the broken.
God sent Jesus to lift up the humbled and to stand up for the oppressed.
If only we could grasp how deep and how far His love goes.
By His Spirit, He is still teaching us many things… are we hearing Him?
Do you sense His deep compassion for you, and for ALL people?
God hates sin, and He must condemn it; but He does not want to condemn us.
Through Jesus, see and hear the heart of God reaching out to you, and all people!
As a Jesus follower, you have been taught about God’s amazing grace.
If we have experienced God’s mercy and love, how can we not share it with others?
Today when you see the masses, will His compassion for them show through you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You that first and foremost I am loved and forgiven and restored – totally undeserved. Help me by Your Spirit to love others because You first loved me.

One Comment

  1. Sheep. Shepherd.
    This reminds me of the 23rd Psalm. The Lord is my shepherd.
    The shepherd looks after His sheep. He is ready to lay down His life for the sheep – to protect, to shelter, to feed, to lead and guide. The shepherd saw to fill all the needs of the sheep.
    This passage shows Christ answering the needs of not only His disciples but for the crowd – all people. He is the answer. He is our daily Bread. His grace and truth mark the Way giving hope and peace and comfort to all who follow Him.
    Follow Him.
    Let Him lead you and guide you all the days of your life.
    Be a Jesus follower.
    Be Christ fed.
    Listen to His Voice.

    Jesus my shepherd and only provider
    He makes me lie down in green pastures
    He leads me beside the still water
    He restores my soul

    Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
    All the days of my life
    And I will dwell in His house forever
    Until the end of time

    Jesus my Shepherd and only provider
    You make me lie down in green pastures
    You lead me beside the still water
    You restore my soul

    Though I walk through the valley of shadows
    I will not be afraid
    Your rod and staff are my only comfort
    And You’ll be with me always

    You prepare a table before me
    In the presence of my enemies
    And You anoint my head with oil
    And my cup overflows
    My cup overflows with Your love
    With Your love

    Jesus my shepherd and only provider
    You make me lie down in green pastures
    You lead me beside the still water
    You restore my soul

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