Do I need to change the way I think?

“They went out and preached that people should repent.” (Mark 6:12)
Mark uses one word – repent – to summarize the message.
That word – metanoia – literally means ‘to change one’s mind’.
Change the way you think about God, yourself, the world, life, sin, etc!
How we live is an expression of how we think.
Think about how you think, does your mindset reflect Jesus?
Don’t just look at your professed beliefs, what about your practiced beliefs?
How we treat others, manage time or money, set priorities, how we deal with fear…
These are all reflections of how we really think!
God is offering us a better life, a life of grace, peace, goodness and hope.
But unless we rethink how we think and live, we will miss out on it!
The strict instructions for the disciples added seriousness to their message.
And the strong impact (healing, silenced demons) added authority to their message.
But the message then, and now, is ‘change the way you think.’
May the Spirit of Jesus penetrate the strongholds of our minds, and help us rethink!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, if I think that I don’t need to change the way I think, then that is how I need to change the way I think. You cannot help me until I admit that my thinking is skewed, and allow You to transform my mind.

One Comment

  1. GodPower.
    It is the Lord at work through His instruments of peace.
    God enables men to do His will and His works.
    Just go and do. Take nothing with you made the disciples dependent – not on themselves but on Him.
    Ready for service?
    God enables.
    God gives the gifts.
    God is the Provider.
    Serve Him.

    Praise Him, praise Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Praise Him, praise Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Serve Him, serve Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Serve Him, serve Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Love Him, love Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Love Him, love Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Thank Him, thank Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Thank Him, thank Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

    Praise Him, praise Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love
    Praise Him, praise Him
    All ye little children
    God is love, God is love

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