preach the good news

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” [Mark 16:15-18] It is not clear that these are the actual words of Jesus; the earliest manuscripts do not include them. I refer to them because they do echo what happens in Acts 28.

Here we see Paul fulfilling the commission to preach the good news of the kingdom to all creation. We also see the signs that accompany his message: not dying after being bitten by the poisonous snake, and healing many in Jesus’ name. There are some fringe groups of Christians that see snake-handling as an essential part of following Jesus. I do not. Nor do I see tongue speaking, healing the sick, casting out demons, or drinking poison, as essential to our task. They are signs that support the essential task of preaching the good news. More could be added. In other words, the Lord will back up His message in miraculous ways. Like here in Acts 28, where being bitten by the snake does not kill Paul.

This is not a command to pick up snakes, or to drink poison. Neither is it a command to heal the sick, cast out demons or speak in tongues. The command is to preach the good news. As we do, the Lord will support our testimony with signs and wonders, just as the Spirit determines [1 Corinthians 12:11].

We tend to focus on the signs and wonders. Many churches (and fringe groups) make the signs central. But this is backwards. Speak and live the message, and the Lord will back up our testimony with His power. Still, not everyone will believe. As Paul learned in Rome, some will be convinced but some will harden their hearts. Our task as Jesus-followers is to passionately and persistently share the message of Jesus and the kingdom of God. If we don’t know the message enough to share it, then we need to learn it. This is our duty, this is our calling. If we do not do this, then all else is pointless. “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Lord, energize me with Your Spirit to witness for You; energize my words with Your power, signs and wonders.

One Comment

  1. Ship wrecked and safe on the island as God had told them. Paul pitched in gathering the wood for fire and warmth. Hospitality was central on the island because the head man treated Paul as guests. Paul healed not only his father but all those who came. God at work in word and deed wherever we are.

    Arriving in Rome, Paul once again had the freeedom to preach the Good News. What a privilege to have the door open to all who wanted to hear the Word of the Lord. But as stated in Isaiah and also shown by Pharoah, although people do have ears with their hardened heart they do not hear nor see.

    Help me Lord to be a living witness everyday by what I say and do. May others see you in me as I boldly proclaim the hope I have in Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your Spirit who may open the hearts of those around me. Help me always to practice hospitality.

    Rejoice today with one accord,
    Sing out with exultation;
    Rejoice and praise our mighty Lord,
    Whose arm hath brought salvation;
    His works of love proclaim
    The greatness of His Name;
    For He is God alone
    Who hath His mercy shown;
    Let all His saints adore Him!

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