Jesus picks me too!!!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 3:13-19
“Jesus called to him those He wanted.” (Mark 3:13)
Do you remember picking teams as a kid?
I never got to be the one picking, and was usually one of the last picked.
As captain, Jesus makes some odd picks, at least from a human viewpoint.
Peter the big mouth, James and John the ‘Sons of Thunder’, Thomas the doubter?
Judas the money-lover, Matthew the traitor, Simon the fanatical extremist?
These last two must have made Jesus’ journeys interesting.
Matthew was the kind of guy Simon the Zealot would want to kill.
As Jesus manages their differences, we get a sense of how  the church works.
Often individual churches are made up of like-minded people (not always).
But imagine what it will be like when all Christians stand together one day.
Yes, we can imagine it, because Jesus levels us all, humbles us all.
We’re all quirky misfits in a way, and yet Jesus wants us… Jesus picks me too.
I like Jesus team, there is room for everyone!
Now if only WE could start making room for everyone too.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see my church community as the people You have chosen to be on Your team with me.

One Comment

  1. Jesus calls His twelve for His mission. They were ordinary men. Men of no wealth or position. Common men.
    Yet they were chosen for an assignment that they would be capable to do under His leadership and guidance and power. They were called to serve.
    I too am called to serve but all too often I shrink back because I think I am not qualified for the task. God takes ordinary people and uses them for His kingdom.
    Once again I am reminded that I was created to serve Him and I must listen to His voice.

    Take my life and let it be
    Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
    *Take my moments and my days,
    Let them flow in endless praise.
    Take my hands and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy love.
    Take my feet and let them be
    Swift and beautiful for Thee.
    Take my voice and let me sing,
    Always, only for my King.
    Take my lips and let them be
    Filled with messages from Thee.
    Take my silver and my gold,
    Not a mite would I withhold.
    Take my intellect and use
    Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.
    Take my will and make it Thine,
    It shall be no longer mine.
    Take my heart, it is Thine own,
    It shall be Thy royal throne.
    Take my love, my Lord, I pour
    At Thy feet its treasure store.
    Take myself and I will be
    Ever, only, all for Thee.

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