shine through me

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. [Matthew 5:16] The story in Acts 27 is amazing, obviously a firsthand account of a great adventure. And in the center of this story is the hero Paul, who stands out as a leader even though he is a prisoner. His light is shining, and the others are praising God because of him.

The Lord does not promise us an easy life (He didn’t get one either). But He does promise to equip, strengthen and use us to impact the lives of those around us. His light (blessing) not only shines in us, it also shines through us. And the people around us benefit.

I love the scene where Paul gathers the 276 people on the ship, then offers them all a communion meal. What Paul does here echoes what Jesus did on the night He was betrayed, as well as what He did when He miraculously fed the large crowds [Matthew 14:19, 26:26-27]. People may debate whether this was actually a ‘Lord’s Supper’ event, but I think the debate is pointless. This event was a means of grace to all that were on board. They were all encouraged, they were all blessed. The Spirit began a work in them, one that no doubt led to the salvation of some.

Wherever we are, like Paul, we can turn those moments into means of grace, God-moments. We can be an encouragement, an inspiration to those who are themselves discouraged and defeated. While everyone else is grumbling and hopeless, we speak with light, with hope, with thankfulness. We work for justice, speak for the oppressed, stand with the defeated, support the weak. We model a new life, a new hope, a new reality. It is in us, and it shines through us. I think it is safe to say that IF it is in us, it will shine through us. That means, if it is NOT in us, it cannot shine through. Do I emulate hope, peace, grace, humility, integrity? Do they leak through my words and actions? What Paul did, we can all do, if we are connected to Jesus.

In this season of economic uncertainty, or family crisis, or health concerns, or other negative circumstances, do you like Paul shine despite your struggles and limitations? If so, people will praise God because of you!

Lord, give me this kind of light within my soul, that it may impact and bless those around me.

One Comment

  1. In times like these. In times of oppression, great danger, fear of life, Paul comes through declaring the word of the Lord. He lets his light shine and they listen. And by his word he is an encouragement. God’s word comes to pass since Paul was to go to Rome. Paul was intune with His Creator as we see God telling him what was to happen. God’s Spirit was upon Paul because the 275 people listened to him in their time of need and did what was said.

    Lord, may I too be an encourager to all those around me as I work out my daily task in Your presence. May Your light shine in me and through me so that others may see and do Your will in their lives.

    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.
    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.-
    Let it shine, let it shine
    Let it shine.

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