greater than the temple

I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. [Matthew 12:6] Like Jesus, Paul is accused of dishonouring God’s temple. At one time, Paul would have joined these Jews in defending the sanctity of the temple, but now he has met the One that is greater than the temple. Though he honours the symbols and traditions of the temple, he is now serving the One that the temple is pointing to.

God gave the temple to the people of Israel as a sign of God’s presence until the promised one – the desire of the nations – would come revealing the glory of God in the temple [Haggai 2:6-9]. It is so sad that the Jews, who ought to have welcomed the coming messiah, turn instead against Him and His messenger. They were so devoted to their religious observances, yet they miss the promised messiah when He comes.

Paul defends himself against his accusers. God provides a somewhat sympathetic judge in Felix. Though he is kept under guard, he is granted a measure of freedom. For two years he lives in this limbo – under guard yet not restricted. God is protecting Paul and using Paul to get the message of Jesus, the kingdom, the resurrection and the judgment out. Even though Felix’s motives are mixed (he was hoping for a bribe), he hears the message of Jesus, God with us, the fulfillment of the temple.

In this way Paul fulfills the task of the temple himself: he stands as a light and a witness to the presence and power of God in Jesus. And this, afterall, was his assignment, and ours as well.

While people of the world get wrapped up in their buildings and their religious rituals, we focus on a person – Jesus Christ. He is the way to God, not the temple. We must always beware that we not get sidetracked about secondary things, that we lose our focus on Jesus. All kinds of arguments take place in churches, between believers, in the name of honouring God. Yet they often miss the point altogether. In the end, its about Jesus. He is the way, the truth, the life – not our church, our confessions, our traditions!

Lord, forgive us for losing our focus on You. Remind me again that You are the greatest. May You be the greatest for me too!

One Comment

  1. Give reason for the hope you have in Christ Jesus is not only Paul’s reason for speaking but needs to be mine also. And that reason will divide the listeners as show by the Jews in the temple and also the rulers of the day, hiding behind their busy schedules – I’ll call you when I have the time. Felix knew about the Way, buthad not accepted the Way. What he did kept the peace.

    How then shall I live today? The main focus must be the main focus – being a Jesus follower, walking in the Way in all I do and say. Help me also on this day to put You first. Let Your Light shine so that I continue to walk in the most excellent Way.

    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

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