make me bold, make me noble

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. [Luke 8:15] In Acts 17 we see the message being spread like seed, producing mixed results. Just as Jesus described, some receive it and some do not. One thing for sure, the message produces strong reactions. Contrast the noble character of the Bereans with the jealous response of the Jews.

A noble heart is the key to a right response before God. An open, humble, genuine, eager heart. A heart that longs to know the truth, not just a heart that wants easy or self-serving answers. A heart that is honest enough to admit its need for help, for God, for truth. A heart that seeks, wrestles and determines to find the truth, even if it hurts. Those who hunger, thirst, ask, seek and knock – find what they are looking for.

These stories remind us that we should not be surprised when people reject the message. But they also remind us that we can be confident that the message will gain a following, people will believe it. It is not the strength of our presentation, but the power of God through us and the quality of the heart of our audience. This is a reminder to me too, that on Sunday mornings when I ‘preach’ there will be a variety of responses. As Jesus says, some lose it right away (Satan steals it away); some receive it weakly, but there are no roots; some receive it strongly, but the cares of this world choke the life out of their faith; and others will receive it.

Even in non-religious settings (like universities, coffee shops, pubs, hockey locker rooms), the message can be spread like seed, and will have a result. It may or may not be large numbers, but there will be a result, a crop. Paul ties in to the context in Athens to speak the message of Jesus to the ‘thinkers’ at the Areopagus. And the Lord adds to the number of those who respond.

This words challenge me to (1) speak boldly (2) trust the Lord for the results, and (3) have a noble heart, eager to know God’s truth. May I be as noble as the Bereans in receiving the message, and as confident as Paul in sharing it with others.

Lord, You are real, alive and true. My message is not powerful because I can share it so well, but because You back it up. Make me bold, make me noble!


  1. LORD, I pray that I may live a life of open faith so that Your Truth may be shared through my voice, through my actions and my lifestyle for Your Kingdom purposes and that You may be glorified.

    LORD thank You for the reminder that my responsibility is only to plant the seeds, it is the working of the Holy Spirit that does everything else. Thank You LORD that even in my flawed efforts, You do great and mighty things.

    LORD, may I always remember that there are always eyes watching and ears hearing so I must live my faith with integrity, honesty, sincerity. May I never take for granted nor forget for a moment that I am an abassador for Christ, a living letter of Your love.

    Thank You LORD that I may speak and that I may live in the power of Christ. To You be all the glory, honour and praise.

  2. God’s Word is proclaimed and the results are mixed. All too often we focus on the negative, the opposition, rather than the positve. All too often I focus on the works of my hands, rather than leaving the increase to the Lord. God’s Word is a two-edged sword and will divide since God has told us that. All I need to do is to speak that Word with confidence and He will give the increase.

    Help me in the planting, Lord, and be near me by Your Spirit so I do not loose spirit. Help me to focus on my task and leave the receiving, the growing of Your presence in their lives up to You. Help me to be a living letter this day in all I do and say.

    Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
    Wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
    Stoop to my weakness, mighty as Thou art;
    And make me love Thee as I ought to love.

    Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh;
    Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear.
    To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh,
    Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

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