on the same team

‘Master,’ said John, ‘we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.’ ‘Do not stop him,’ Jesus said, ‘for whoever is not against you is for you.’ [Luke 9:49-50] As messengers of the King, we are not competing against each other, we are on the same team. We should beware rejecting someone who is not from our ‘group’. Look at Apollos, and how effective he was for the Lord.

Somehow the Lord had anointed his ministry, even though he did had not been baptized into the name of Jesus. This passage comes to mind when I think of the divisions between denominations regarding baptism. Each side thinks the other does not fully know the baptism of Jesus. Nowhere does it say that he was rebaptized. He already is baptized in the Spirit, even though he did not go through the ‘name of Jesus’ baptism. The evidence of the Spirit is seen in his wisdom, boldness and strong witness for the Lord.

I see this as a challenge to all of us to RELAX on the issue of water baptism, whether it’s as an infant or an adult, whether its sprinkling or immersion. Jesus is bigger that that! Just because they are not one of our ‘group’, doesn’t mean that the Lord isn’t using them. Water baptism is symbolic of Spirit-baptism, and Spirit-baptism is not dependent on water baptism (see Acts 10:44-48].

We are all together as one team. Priscilla, Aquila, Apollos, Paul, Silas, Barnabas, Norm Kevin, Lisa, Mary – no matter what church or denomination or group they belong to. Our unity does not lie in our confessions or denominations but in our connection to Jesus Christ.

Sadly, we are a divided body. Though there is only one church, we act as if WE are that one church, and we often ignore or even reject others, unless they belong to our group. Thankfully there is increasing evidence of a unity that transcends our denominational differences. This does not mean that we all join one denomination; each church has its own unique flavour. Variety and difference is OK, so long as we accept one another and humbly admit that we can benefit from each other.

Lord, thank You for the many amazing people out there who truly belong to You, to us, to me, even though we’re different! May we serve You together!


  1. LORD thank You for the gifts that You have given to each and every one of us. Show us LORD how to take those gifts into the world and use them to reach out and touch the lives of those who yet need to come to You. I am who You created me to be – may I use this for Your Kingdom purposes.

    LORD, it can be so overwhelming when we read or hear of yet another situation that takes “Christ” or our faith out of the system today. This is discouraging. I understand it’s part of the coming times and great persecution. During these times LORD, may we remember that You have provided all that we need to stand firm in Your Truth, to share Your Truth in this broken and fallen world.

    LORD, fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that we may not only serve You but also encourage and bless one another in Christ. We are all on the same team regardless of our differences. We serve and love You. Give us eyes of faith to see the blessings LORD. Let us focus and celebrate the work that You are doing. Let us celebrate our differences and uniqueness that reveal Your creativity.

    Thank You LORD that our strengths and weaknesses can so greatly compliment and bring out the best in each other. That is how we should worship!

  2. Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you. As the Lord was with Paul, so He is with His people today giving them all what they need to do His work. And Paul was not alone in his ministry. The Lord spoke to him saying that there were many more in the church – believers and workers. Be encouraged.

    God supplies all my needs. He is my Encourager telling me also that there are many who do His work willingly so that His Kingdom may come in full. Help me bloom where I am planted Lord and may I see the other ‘plants’ and part of Your garden, blooming, flowering for the Lord of Lords.

    I need Thy presence every passing hour.
    What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
    Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
    Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

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