Trusting God to help me!

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” (Psalm 54:4)
The background to this Psalm is 1 Samuel 26.
David is on the run, and his own neighbours are telling Saul where he is.
At one point, David has a chance to kill Saul, but he refuses.
He chooses to trust God to make him king, rather than commit regicide.
“The Lord rewards us for doing what is right and being faithful.” (1 Samuel 26:23).
As Jesus followers, we have God’s promise to be loved, blessed and used by God.
But like Jesus, and David, we often experience resistance, hardship and rejection.
The Enemy uses people – even those close to us – to hinder, hurt and defeat us.
We may be tempted to fight back, teach them a lesson, or force our way on them.
But this is not God’s way, this is not the way of Jesus, Whom we follow.
God is our help, He will sustain us and enable us to overcome the Enemy.
We must strive to be like Jesus – loving, gracious, merciful – even to our enemies.
Where am I facing challenges in my life in Christ, where is the enemy hindering me?
Can I find a way to overcome evil with good, and can I trust God to defend me?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when facing hardship trusting You is easier to blog about than it is to do it. Help me to see that THIS is where the rubber of faith hits the road. Help me to trust You especially when the Enemy comes on strong.

One Comment

  1. Sharing all things with God.
    Calling on the name of the Lord in times of trouble since I know where my help comes from. I know that it is God Who makes me strong. He is my Fortress. He is my Deliverer.
    At all times I need to place my hand in His for He is my Guide. Always.

    A mighty Fortress is our God,
    A Bulwark never failing;
    Our Helper He amid the flood
    Of mortal ills prevailing:
    For still our ancient foe
    Doth seek to work us woe;
    His craft and power are great,
    And, armed with cruel hate,
    On earth is not his equal.
    Did we in our own strength confide,
    Our striving would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    The Man of God’s own choosing:
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He;
    Lord Sabaoth His Name,
    From age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.
    And though this world, with devils filled,
    Should threaten to undo us,
    We will not fear, for God hath willed
    His truth to triumph through us:
    The Prince of Darkness grim,
    We tremble not for him;
    His rage we can endure,
    For lo! his doom is sure,
    One little word shall fell him.
    That word above all earthly powers,
    No thanks to them, abideth;
    The Spirit and the gifts are ours
    Through Him who with us sideth:
    Let goods and kindred go,
    This mortal life also;
    The body they may kill:
    God’s truth abideth still,
    His Kingdom is forever.

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