His strength seen in me!

“In the city of our God: God makes her secure forever.” (Psalm 48:8)
What made David great when he stood before Goliath?
What made Jesus great when He was attacked by Satan?
What makes me great in the face of life’s challenges and struggles?
Not me, but God in/with/for me — this is what makes us great!
This song celebrates the greatness of Jerusalem, Israel’s capitol.
But her greatness then, and now, depends on her relationship to God.
The same is true for us, and for every ruler and nation.
Apart from God, we are weak, helpless, finite, doomed.
But we do not need to be apart from God; He desires to stand with us!
When our lives revolve around God, we find joy, peace and hope to energize us.
Just as the city inspired the psalmist, my life can do the same when I cling to God.
God is over me, with me and in me, God is working through me… this is amazing!!!
As I reflect on this, calmness and strength stir within me, and show through me.
As a Jesus follower, may others see in me how He is my strength forever and ever!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are great, and I am weak without You. But in/with You, I have a strength and joy beyond what I could find myself. May others be drawn to Your strength seen in me.

One Comment

  1. Once again I am reminded to start each day with God and His greatness and power. He is worthy of praise whenever and wherever – like the start of each new day. Great is the Lord and worthy of praise.
    Thank You Lord for this new day to serve You.
    I am weak but You are strong.
    I need You every hour for in You and only in You am I secure.
    Throughout this day I need to walk with You – in Your presence. That’s comfort.
    Throughout this day I need to talk with You and see You in all I do and say. I need to put my small hand into Your majestic hand for You to lead and guide me along the Way in which I must travel.
    I am never alone.
    I need to tell of my God to the next generation – all what He has done for me – His power, His leading, His guiding, His providing, His strengthening, His enabling, His daily presence forever and ever, etc
    He is mine.
    Is He yours?

    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from Heaven above
    With wisdom power and love
    Our God is an awesome God

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