Meeting Jesus where???

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘prepare the way for the Lord.'” (Mark 1:3)
Mark starts his biography of Jesus when His ministry begins, as an adult.
John the Baptist is the unusual fanfare that announces the coming Messiah.
To prepare for God’s coming, people need to repent.
This act of repentance was extreme: being baptized by a madman in the wilderness.
There is an important message in this.
For us to benefit from God’s help, we need to come to the end of ourselves.
We need to admit our desperate need, and humbly open ourselves to God.
When we do this, then God will unleash His Spirit on us.
And an inward, powerful transformation will result (not just a symbolic washing).
God does not want religious rituals or traditions, He wants sincere heart change.
God will meet us in the wilderness (symbol of brokenness and transformation).
If I really want to know Jesus, then I need to be willing to go there.
I sense the Lord challenging us to meet Him in humility, honesty and desperation.
That will mark the beginning of the good news in our lives too.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this IS good news. When I admit my desperate need for help, You will personally meet me there (through Jesus) and help me with real, life-changing power.

One Comment

  1. A voice.
    That voice had been quiet for years.
    A voice calling the people to repentance like the prophets of old.
    A new light showing the Way.
    New life in Christ Jesus.
    And John was Spirit lead, doing the work for God.
    A life changer.
    And the people responded as they did in the days of the prophets.
    They confessed their sins, were baptized to lead a new life.
    A life for Jesus.
    Shining for Jesus.
    And I must do the same.
    Let my light shine for Him also on this day He has made.

    1 Living for Jesus a life that is true,
    striving to please him in all that I do,
    yielding allegiance glad hearted and free
    this is the pathway of blessing for me.

    Refrain (may be sung after stanza 3 only):
    O Jesus, Lord and Savior,
    I give myself to you,
    for you in your atonement
    did give yourself for me.
    I own no other master
    my heart shall be your throne:
    my life I give, henceforth to live,
    O Christ, for you alone.

    2 Living for Jesus, who died in my place,
    bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace:
    such love constrains me to answer his call,
    follow his leading, and give him my all. [Refrain]

    3 Living for Jesus wherever I am,
    doing each duty in his holy name,
    seeking the lost ones he died to redeem,
    bringing the weary to find rest in him. [Refrain]

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