who’s really in charge here!

Jesus answered, ‘You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.’ [John 19:11] Jesus reminds Pilate that his authority is not ultimate, but dependent. Herod discovers this the hard way. Though he has power to take James’ life, and to execute his soldiers when Peter escapes, his power is dependent upon God’s permission. God allows leaders a measure of freedom, but always within His grand purpose.

For some reason, God intervenes for Peter, but not for James, and also not for Stephen [Acts 7]. We do not know specifically why, but in general we know that it all served to advance God purposes of spreading the message of Jesus. We know that through Stephen’s death and the persecution that followed, the scattered believers spread the message wherever they went. Here also, after James dies and Peter is released, we hear again that the message (word) is spreading far and wide. No amount of political opposition or prison or chains can hinder God’s purpose. His authority is the highest. He guides people and circumstances to advance His kingdom.

Interesting, we have the believers praying, yet struggling to believe that Peter might actually be free. I can appreciate this, it is often hard to be confident in how God will respond to our prayers. He sometimes says ‘yes’ (like when they prayed for Peter’s deliverance); He sometimes says ‘no’ (like when they prayed for James’ deliverance). I am encouraged by their example of prayer, I am also encouraged that they had a hard time believing; it assures me that I am not the only one.

And then there is Herod. Like Pilate, he has no ultimate authority, only derived authority – under God. Like Ananias and Sapphira, his death is not as normal pattern, but a warning. Certainly he is not the first, nor the last, to not give glory to God. But God uses his life and death as an example of the ultimate outcome for any who set themselves up against God.

And the word of God continues to spread. Still to this day. The gates of hell will not prevail against Jesus’ mission movement. This is encouragement for today, and a reminder to keep on praying, and believing, that God is God, and that His kingdom is coming. Do not let any political circumstances change your mind on this. All things are unfolding according to God’s plan. He is in control.

Lord, You are in charge, and nothing can stop Your kingdom from coming. May I join You, and not stand in Your way!


  1. I continue to enjoy seeing the realness of the personality of Peter and these fellow believers.

    Here the angel of the Lord comes to rescue Peter from prison. The angel first comes in with a bright light filling the prison cell. Peter still sleeping. Then the angel has to strike him in the side just to wake him up. The angel tells him to get his clothes on, get his sandals on and follow him. I can see Peter doing all this in a hurry not really understanding what is happening. Actually Peter thinks this is all just a vision and not real until the angel guides him past all the guards and has the city gates open on their own. Then it finally hits Peter, “Hey, this is really happening!”

    Then the reaction at John Marks house where Peter is left standing at the door knocking and Rhoda the servant girl, because of her excitment of actually seeing Peter, runs off without letting him in. The whole household has been praying for Peters release and here he is left at the door … I am sure he is shaking his head, but with a smile!

    We are so human, hey? It is a great comfort to see that even though their common senses where not always kicking into gear, their hearts were focused on the Lord and from that their faith was being enlarged and they were being used by God.

    May we be quick to drop our judgements of one another in our faults and look past them and focus on where our united heart attitudes are. I am so grateful that God looks at my heart and is constantly doing the renewing work there. My practical, outside appearances may not always fall in line but God sees my heart and I know He smiles … while shaking His head at the same time!

    Thank you for loving me Father

  2. Peter’s Miraculous Escape From Prison. WoW! I serve an awesome God. God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. His people pray, but are never sure how He will answer – Yes. No. Not yet. But He is always there giving the people what they need to help them on their way. And the people see the wondrous ways God works.

    Where do I see the hand of God today. How am I connected to Him today? Do I see an awesome God and praise Him for His marvelous deeds? Do I see Him in control of all things?

    As James and Peter stood up for the Lord, Lord, help me each day to joyfully take my stand for You.

    I, the Lord of sea and sky,
    I have heard My people cry.
    All who dwell in dark and sin,
    My hand will save.

    I who made the stars of night,
    I will make their darkness bright.
    Who will bear My light to them?
    Whom shall I send?

    Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord?
    I have heard You calling in the night.
    I will go Lord, if You lead me.
    I will hold Your people in my heart.

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