the invitation

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. [Matthew 11:28].
The Lord is inviting me to come back to Him.
Everywhere, always, He is calling me.
He is calling me back… since I daily wander from Him.
If I do not sense Him calling, its NOT because He isn’t calling.
He takes the initiative, I am too distracted or deceived to realize my need for Him.
He uses the circumstances of my life to get my attention, to get me to seek Him.
He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. [Acts 17:26-27].

From the beginning, His desire is to live in fellowship with us.
After Adam and Eve sinned, He personally came in visible form looking for them [Genesis 3:8].
Some people have understood this, and have walked with Him in this life (Enoch, Abraham, Moses, David).
Jesus is God coming to us, calling us back to Him.
Jesus still calls us today, “come unto me and rest!”
His voice is heard deep within, a spiritual whisper inside of us that says, ‘seek His face’ [Psalm 27:8].
We sense His voice, but we often fail to recognize that it is Him.
Instead we transfer that longing to pleasures or experiences, thinking that they will satisfy that feeling deep within… they do not!

Again and again, everywhere and always, He is calling us, inviting us to find rest and life in Him.
“Our hearts will find no rest until they rest in God” (St. Augustine).
There is no other way….

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