A time to speak, a time to be silent!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 26:57-63
“’Are you not going to answer?’ But Jesus remained silent.” (Matthew 26:62-63)
It is not that Jesus refuses to say anything at all (see Matthew 26:64f).
But He does not defend Himself, demand justice or challenge His lying accusers.
He refuses to play their game; His silence only makes them look worse.
“He was beaten down and made to suffer. But he didn’t open his mouth.” (Isaiah 53:7)
Too often I am silent when I should speak, or speak when I should be silent.
“There is a time to be silent. And there’s a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7).
I sense the Lord nudging me to consider when and how I open my mouth, and when I am silent.
Why is it that when I sense there is a risk to me or my reputation, I hold back?
Why is it that when I am being accused or critiqued, I fight back?
If I am honest, I worry more about what people will think of me.
This leads me to speak when I should be silent, and to be silent when I should speak.
As a Jesus follower, my job is to be a witness in word and deed to the love and truth of God.
This means not speaking out of anger or self-defense, but speaking the truth in love.
May I honour the Name of Jesus both in my silence, and in my speaking.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to speak for You more, and for me less.

One Comment

  1. The Sanhedrin examined Jesus during the night which was a violation of their own rules. They needed to wait until the morning to question Jesus, to find the evidence that they could put Him to death.
    Night time.
    A time when people commit unjust acts to cover up their crimes.
    No one can see me, so we think. A blanket of darkness covers our wrongful acts. Or does it?
    We always live in His Light and His justice will prevail. We will have to give an account for our actions whether done during the day or in darkness.
    There were found no witnesses that could provide evidence against my Lord so that He could be put to death.
    What kind of evidence can be found by others that will show I am His follower?

    Am I a soldier of the Cross—
    A follower of the Lamb?
    And shall I fear to own His cause,
    Or blush to speak His name?
    In the name, the precious name,
    Of Him who died for me,
    Through grace I’ll win the promised crown,
    Whate’er my cross may be.

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