Seeing the purpose in my life!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 26:55-56
“But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” (Matthew 26:56)
Jesus sees His life as a part of God’s big story, of what God is doing in and for the world.
He has a sense of destiny and purpose, so that even bad things fit into the overall plan.
Do I have this sense of destiny and purpose, that my life is part of God’s overall plan?
This is much harder to accept, especially when our life gets really hard.
It may seem harsh or unhelpful to say that injustice or suffering fit in to God’s plan.
But is it better to say that your suffering is totally pointless… ‘sucks to be you’?
Or to call it karma, and blame you for sins of the past, or a previous life?
Somehow behind the challenges of the present moment there is the mystery of God’s eternal plan.
“Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Do I make myself available to God, do I invest myself in doing what God wants me to do?
And what if that involves risk, discomfort, sacrifice, suffering, will I still be available?
The disciples run away scared, but Jesus stays put.
I sense the Lord encouraging me to see my life as part of the big story too.
Thinking about my challenges and/or opportunities, can I say “this has taken place so that…”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see my life in light of Your kingdom and Your purpose. Help me to stand firm, and not run away.

One Comment

  1. How do I meet rejection? How do I respond when the company I keep no longer accept me? With a forgiving heart and love ore bitterness and revenge?
    Jesus met His betrayal with total trust in God but His disciples met it with force. They forgot the Lord and relied upon their own power.
    When hardships or adversity strikes, how do I respond? With fear and pnic or with hope and trust in God?
    Why am I here?
    What is God’s plane for me?
    In my pilgrim’s progress I must continue to walk in His SonShine for only in His Light can I see light and only in His power do I have strength for the journey for the joy of the Lord is my strength. Therefore I am able to
    enjoy this day in joy
    being a light to all those around me
    giving hope and peace
    showing them the Light of Christ.

    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    Hide it under a bushel? No!
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Hide it under a bushel? No!
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Hide it under a bushel? No!
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Don’t let Satan blow it out,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    This little light of mine,
    I’m gonna let it shine
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine,
    Let it shine.

    Shine all over

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