May the grace be with you!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 26:47-54
“Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)
In the picture above, someone tried to paint these words of Jesus.
But I’m not sure it gives the right message… Jesus seems to be forcing the sword hand to stop.
It was not Jesus’ way to forcefully impose God’s will on people.
(The clearing of the temple is one exception, but there’s more to that story too).
Jesus’ point here is that the use of force does not solve the problem.
A strong hand can force someone to submit, but they will not willingly surrender.
A gun or tank or bomb can enforce obedience, but it cannot create loyalty or love.
God could easily force everyone to obey – with His angels – but He doesn’t.
God’s way is not the way of force, but the way of grace, the way of peace.
Like water on a grease fire, the use of violence to end violence only spreads violence.
The Jesus Way – the way of kindness, mercy, grace, radical love – is the only way to save our world.
Far from being weak, it takes more strength to refuse violence than it does to give in to it.
Put down your anger, revenge, force and take up grace, mercy and peace – the Jesus Way.
Jesus chose the path of grace, mercy and peace, and look where it got Him… and us!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are not forcing my hand. You are graciously loving me back to God. Wooing me with kindness, gentleness. Help me to see that this is the best – the only way to overcome evil in the world.

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