“I will use them to test Israel and see whether they will keep the way of the Lord.” (Judges 2:22)
God wants us to enjoy life to the full, but the poison of sin undermines that life.
To establish a kingdom of hope, God’s people need to take a firm stand against sin and evil.
The book of Judges describes what happens when they make compromises with temptation.
From the beginning, the Deceiver has been enticing us to forget God and go our own way.
In a sense, we all find a tree with forbidden fruit in the garden of our life.
Your specific test will be different than mine, but the same temptation is behind it.
‘Forget God, forget God’s way, everyone’s doing it, try it you’ll like it, it will be worth it!’
But now as then the result of giving in is the same: life becomes unbearable.
The word for ‘test’ and ‘tempt’ is the same, yet they are very different.
The difference lies in the motive of the tester or tempter.
God tests us to make us stronger, the Deceiver tempts us to make us fail.
The same situation is both a test from God, and a temptation from Satan.
As Jesus followers we need to maintain our connection to God to overcome sin.
God will help us resist and reject temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13)… will we pass the test?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to recognize the seductive lies of the enemy, and to refuse them. Lead me not into temptation, and deliver me from evil. I need Your help!