THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 25:31-46
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Question, will we be saved or condemned by what we do (or don’t do)?
Jesus is not saying that good deeds will save us, or bad deeds condemn us.
But He is showing what He means when He says, “a tree is recognized by its fruit.” (Matthew 12:33)
God looks at the heart, He can tell what kind of heart a person has by their actions.
A person that cares will naturally do and say caring things because it is in them.
I suspect when we stand before God, we will know where we’ll be going.
As C.S.Lewis suggests, people will WANT to go where they will be going.
The thought of eternal love and selflessness will be repulsive to self-centered people.
They will run for hell and lock the door from the inside.
God’s kingdom dream is for a world where people care, help, share, serve, etc.
God gives us this life to decide if this will be out dream too.
You can tell a Jesus-follower not just by their deeds but by their desire to do those deeds.
They show concern for those who struggle and suffer… including refugees and immigrants!
What are our actions today in response to the refugee crisis revealing about our hearts?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me not just to talk about love, help me to live and long for it. I want to love You in the people I meet each day.