THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 25:14-30
“Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)
I like how the NIRV refers to monetary amounts, $10000, $4000, $2000.
What would I do with $2000 (or in today’s terms, more like $2,000,000)?
Do I appreciate the value of the blessings I have received?
My money, education, freedom, abilities, opportunities, time, connections, etc.,
As God’s children, and as Jesus followers, we are ALL blessed with something.
Even those considered poor or disadvantaged have something: mouths, hands, minds, time.
The question is not HOW MUCH, but what we do with what that God has entrusted us.
Jesus explains that in God’s kingdom we are blessed to be a blessing.
Whatever we have, much or little, is intended for helping, loving, serving others.
This is the way we increase the blessing; by sharing it we gain even more.
But those who horde or waste their blessings not only rob others, but rob themselves.
It is only the one who refuses to use what he has who loses what he could have had: more!
Instead of focusing on what I don’t have, look at what I do have… what am I doing with it?
I sense the Lord gently challenging me, am I multiplying or burying His gifts?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, impress upon my heart the implications and consequences of wasting the many gifts and opportunities You have trusted me with.