witnesses wherever we are

On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. [Matthew 10:18] Jesus predicts the persecution that will happen against His followers. On account of their faith in Jesus, the believers are scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. From our limited perspective, we see this as hard, as unfair. If we were forced from our homes because of Jesus, we would be overcome with despair or anger. But notice what Jesus says, that this persecution will lead us to opportunities of witness. Look at the believer in Acts 8:4Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

We see our circumstances as obstacles, God sees them as opportunities. We whine in times of hardship, these believers witnessed! We marvel that Paul and Silas could sing in prison, and experience an amazing God-moment as a result [Acts 16:25-34], but do we sing in our prisons (real or figurative)? How many God-moments do we miss because we are more upset by our suffering than open to God’s purpose? How many conversion experiences in others do we miss because instead of shining like stars in the darkness, we complain just like everyone else [Philippians 2:14-16].

Philip is driven to Samaria because of the persecution. Persecution is bad, but Jesus is bigger than persecution. It’s all unfolding according to His plan, the message is going from Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, to the ends of the earth [to Ethiopia, see Acts 1:8]. We are called to be witnesses – EVERYWHERE! Not just in the places we want to be, the places we choose to be. But even when, against our will, we are brought into places we would rather not be. A rotten job, a hospital ward, a difficult church, an unemployment office, a miserable employer, a financial tight spot, a doctor’s office with bad news. If we only see the bad stuff, we will fail to see the God stuff.

Who knows, God may use your testimony to convert a future evangelist. God may use your testimony to lead someone to dedicate their lives to fight AIDS in Jesus’ name. God may use your testimony to bring the gospel to Saudia Arabia. Stranger things have happened, and He delights in doing the strangest of things.

May we not be whiner but witnesses for Jesus, wherever God sends us!

Lord, I am guilty of seeing obstacles, not opportunities. Open my eyes to see the God-moments you place before me each and every day.

One Comment

  1. Telling His story. When do I see God’s faithfulness? When do i speak of God’s presence in my life? When do I sense His presence? The joy of the Lord God is my strength. If that is true, at all times I must tell His story wherever I am on my journey of learning in my life – be that the joyfull times or the sorrowful times. Where do I see God and how will I speak of His mercies this day He has created?

    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
    I will sing! I will sing!
    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord!

    With my mouth will I make known
    Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness
    With my mouth will I make known
    Thy faithfulness to all generations!

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