THE STORY OF JESUS: Joshua 20-22
“You have carried out the mission the Lord your God gave you.” (Joshua 22:3)
As Jesus followers we believe that God has prepared an eternal home for us.
“My Father’s house has many rooms; I am going there to prepare a place for you!” (John 14:2)
This is a great hope for us, but what about those who do not know.
What about the many ‘homeless’ souls still wandering lost and desperate without eternal hope?
The men of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh left their families to help their fellow tribes find their home.
They had a mission from the Lord, and they made personal sacrifices for the sake of others.
Here we read that when their mission is done, they can finally return to enjoy their own homes.
God is not just concerned about you and me; He has others He wants to bring home too. (John 10:16)
The story of Joshua, and the story of the bible, is about God’s mission to bring everyone home.
And God has called us as missionaries to make sacrifices for the sake of others, to help them.
We are not home yet, we are still in the mission field, we are still helping God’s other sheep.
How are you responding to the homeless, the refugee, the exile, the lost?
We cannot open peoples’ hearts to God’s love, but we can love them enough to make them want it!
Will He say to me, “You have carried out the mission the Lord your God gave you.” (Joshua 22:3)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are not just concerned to give me a home, but my neighbors too. Give me a heart for the homeless, the refugee, the exiled. Help me to see it as my mission to help them too!