the root and the fruit

I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. [John 15:5] It is so important that we distinguish between the root and the fruit. The root is the source of life, the fruit is the result of life. The fruit of the Spirit is not restricted to the 9 mentioned examples in Galatians 5:22-23]. Any good effort, any character quality, any ministry success, is a fruit of the Spirit if it is rooted in Jesus.

The strategy developed by the apostles to care for the widows is a good example of good fruit. It is a great way to demonstrate the love of Jesus. Unfortunately, many times people try to turn fruit into roots; unless your church sets up your ministry exactly like this, it will fail. We turn cultural patterns into eternal principles.

Every Jesus-follower and every church must seek to remain in Jesus, connected to His life, His love, His purpose. The Spirit will then manifest Himself through us in unique and wonderful ways. Each of us is different, so the fruit of the Spirit will take different forms among us. Of course there are common patterns, but there are infinitely more patterns than we realize.

It’s interesting to consider those selected to care for the needs of the widows: they were looking for men full of the Spirit and wisdom [Acts 6:3]. Stephen is said to be full of faith [Acts 6:5] and of grace and power [Acts 6:8]. These were qualities that he was especially noted to have. This does not make the others lesser than him, just different. The Spirit gifts each person uniquely!

I need to root myself in God through Jesus, spending time with Him in prayer and the bible – opening my heart, confessing my sin, seeking His will, committing myself to His purpose. As I do, the Spirit overflows in me, to the point where people see in us the reflection of His glory, like the face of an angel! The root is our connection to Jesus, the fruit is however that life manifests itself, personally and publicly.

For churches, this means focusing first on seeking God, not just establishing programs. A program cannot bear fruit apart from Christ. It doesn’t matter what church structures are in place, or what programs are adopted – if we are not connected to Christ, they will not work.

Lord, help me and my church to be rooted in You. May we bear much fruit!


  1. I can appreciate the way the Lord honours “support staff” here.

    We all play various roles. For the apostles, they needed to devout themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.

    For others (and do not get confused that they are uneducated – they were full of the Spirit and of WISDOM) there is the need to put them in charge of the daily distribution of food to the widows.

    Together we work together – together the Lord distributes His talents and gifts to accomplish His work.

  2. Here we see that God’s Word is central to the growth of the church. With a growing church comes growing needs of the people. In addressing the needs, the proclamation of the Word was no longer central and so ‘deacons’ were selected, although that term was not used here. These seven would look after the needs of the people and the apostles would continue to preach. The Words they spoke hit the hearts of many people that even priests became obedient to the Word. Truly God at work.

    Today in my personal life God’s Word needs to be first. I must be rooted in that Word so that the labours of my hands produce the fruit God desires. May all His followers be rooted in the Word. May the churches proclaim that Good News and have an impact upon the people so they too will live as Christ wants them to live.

    How shall the young direct their way?
    What light shall be their perfect guide?
    Thy Word, O Lord, will safely lead,
    If in its wisdom they confide.
    Sincerely I have sought Thee, Lord,
    O let me not from Thee depart;
    To know Thy will and keep from sin
    Thy Word I cherish in my heart.

    O blessèd Lord, teach me Thy law,
    Thy righteous judgments I declare;
    Thy testimonies make me glad,
    For they are wealth beyond compare.
    Upon Thy precepts and Thy ways
    My heart will meditate with awe;
    Thy Word shall be my chief delight,
    And I will not forget Thy law.

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