A heart for what matters!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 23:23-28
“You have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness.” (Matthew 23:23)
There are many times when I think we Christians lose sight of what really matters.
Do we really think that how or when we do baptism really matters in the big scheme of things?
Do we really think that our particular formulation of a certain doctrine is such a big deal?
Do we really think that getting all the details right is essential for salvation?
Having systems of belief or codes of behaviour can be helpful to point us in the right direction.
And there can be serious consequences related to having wrong beliefs or practices.
But God’s grace always trumps our imperfections and inconsistencies, when our heart is right.
I think of David and his issue with polygamy (among others); that’s a pretty big issue don’t you think?
And yet somehow God sees David as a man after His own heart (1 Samuel 13:14).
What matters here is the heart, and the heart of the law – justice, mercy, faithfulness!
God is not measuring our outward performance for technical accuracy, He looks to the heart.
Do you genuinely want to love Him, and people, and do what is right, good, just, merciful?
Are you humble and sincere, open to correction and honest about your weaknesses?
The Lord looks through our religious beliefs and practices into our hearts… what does He see?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, if not for Your mercy, I’d be toast. I admit that I am weak in things that matter, but in my heart I want them. I cannot clean the inside of my cup… but You can! I want to be clean!

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