A seat with your name on it!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 22:1-14
“The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.” (Matthew 22:8)
What makes a person “deserve to come” to God’s salvation celebration?
None of the people in the parable “deserved to come”, but they were invited anyway.
It was their response to God’s gracious invite that determined their “deserving”.
God was willing to cover their unworthiness, if they would humbly accept the invite.
This story is making a point: we’re all invited, but we are not all going to accept it.
God’s “choosing” is not arbitrary; He is pleased to welcome all who accept His gracious invite.
The flip side is that He has chosen not to force those who refuse His gracious offer.
“For many are invited, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
Who are chosen… those who humbly accept His mercy… the deserving undeserving!
The man without wedding clothes seems to represent those who pretend to join God, but not sincerely.
Like Judas, who was among the disciples, yet would not humble himself to accept Jesus.
God knows our nakedness and shame, yet He graciously offers to cover us, to accept us as we are.
But we need to receive it, we need to humble ourselves, admit our shame and need for mercy.
No one is deserving, yet God eagerly welcomes all – chooses as deserving – those who can admit it!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, there is a seat at Your feast reserved for me. I do not deserve it, yet I gladly accept it. Help me to let others know about the seats reserved for them too.

One Comment

  1. Th invitation had been sent. Those invited had enough time to prepare and make arrangements that they could attend. But they refused. They had the wrong priorities. They were self motivated after their own interests and not their King. They refused His lordship and all that was due unto Him.
    What a warning to all of us who refuse our Saviour.
    The second part of the story was the invitation to those who would never have been considered getting an invitation. This was an invitation of grace. God invites each of us to the banquet that we may share His joy. Feasting at His banqueting table.
    I cannot come.
    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now.
    I have married a wife,
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum,
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

    Verse 1
    A certain man held a feast
    On his fine estate in town,
    He laid a festive table,
    And wore a wedding gown.
    He sent invitations
    To his neighbors far and wide,
    But when the meal was ready,
    Each of them replied…..


    Verse 2

    The master rose up in anger,
    Called his servants by name, said:
    “Go into the town,
    Fetch the blind and the lame,
    Fetch the peasant and the pauper
    For this I have willed,
    My banquet must be crowed,
    And my table must be filled.”


    Verse 3
    When all the poor had assembled,
    There was still room to spare,
    So the master demanded:
    “Go search ev’rywhere,
    To the highways and the byways
    And force them to come in,
    My table must be filled before the banquet can begin.


    Verse 4
    Now God has written a lesson
    For the rest of mankind;
    If we’re slow in responding,
    He may leave us behind
    He’s preparing a banquet for that
    Great and glorious day,
    When the Lord and Master callus,
    Be certain not to say….


    I cannot come.
    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now
    I have married a wife
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum,
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

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