His Voice over all!

“The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders!” (Psalm 29:3)
What might God’s Voice sound like, if we could actually hear it?
When God spoke to Jesus, the crowds were uncertain; some thought that it was thunder (John 12:29).
David doesn’t know what God’s Voice sounds like, but he can imagine that it is powerful.
More powerful than the forces of nature, like thunder, lightning, or a hurricane.
His point is not that God is scary, but that God is greater than the greatest powers we know.
When the raging storm threatened Jesus’ boat, He did not have to yell to be heard or obeyed.
“He rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” (Mark 4:39)
Jesus is the Voice (or Word) of God made flesh, living among us, speaking with us.
As He speaks, God speaks, and amazing things happen.
Jesus appears like an ordinary human, weak and limited like the rest of us.
But the Voice of God, the same Voice that created everything, speaks through Him.
His words are the words of eternal life (John 6:68); when He speaks, things happen.
Whether I am in a storm, or in a time of peace, Jesus is Lord over it all!
“The Lord sits enthroned over the flood… the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, so many voices clamor in my head for attention, trying to frighten and destabilize me. I choose to listen to Your Voice. Rebuke the noise in my head and grace me with your words, ‘Quiet! Be still!’

One Comment

  1. The voice of the Lord.
    Remember the creation days?
    God spoke and it was there.
    His voice is powerful, majestic, creative, joyful, awe inspiring, judgemental, ALL in all
    because all cry Glory.
    He is Lord.
    Listen to that Voice saying
    ‘This is the Way. Walk in it.’
    For He gives strength to His people
    and empowers them
    and blesses them
    and gives them peace.

    1. God gives His people strength.
    If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
    All those who bear the burden of the day
    God gives His people strength.

    2. God gives His people hope
    If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
    He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
    God gives His people hope.

    3. God gives His people love
    If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start.
    God gives His people love.

    4. God gives His people peace.
    When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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