Only grace can eradicate evil!

“They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it…” (Joshua 6:21)
I do not enjoy reading these stories, so much violence and death.
The only way I can think of these horrors is through the horror of the cross.
Our world is under a curse, violence and death are ‘normal’ in our sin-messed world.
Death, violence, torture, murder, abuse, these are all EVIL and need to be eradicated.
The people of Jericho were trapped within a deadly, life and soul destroying culture.
God does not end this evil by destroying it; all that He does is establish a foothold.
And through that foothold, He eventually steps in through Jesus to destroy evil.
Through Jesus God crucifies the curse, and sets its prisoners free.
These scenes from Canaan are stages in the unfolding plan of God, where grace triumphs over evil.
God through Jesus enters the violence in order to overcome evil with good.
Jesus has broken the curse, and has liberated us from Satan, sin, death and hell.
Jericho teaches us how serious sin is; Jesus teaches us how to overcome that sin… with grace!
Jesus does not call us to use violence to end violence; it didn’t work then, it won’t work now!
By defeating Satan for us, we can now join in His grace campaign to overcome evil with good!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, history is filled with violence; nothing seems to stop it. You have shown us what can: grace, mercy, peace, love, compassion, kindness. May the walls of sin and suffering crumble before us as we join You on this path!

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