Finding goodness outside the church!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 21:42-46
“The kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.” (Matthew 21:43)
The fruit of the Spirit includes things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc.
The source of this fruit in us is the Spirit of Jesus, He helps us do good.
But we must be willing partners, we must cooperate with His Spirit and aim to do good.
So how do those outside of Israel, outside of the church, produce good fruit?
I was taught that unbelievers cannot do good, that whatever looks good is not really good.
I’m not so sure anymore, I’m starting to see that Jesus is at work outside the church.
Jesus was surprised by the kind of faith He found outside of Israel (the church) (Matthew 8:10-11).
This faith was the fruit of the Spirit, from a Gentile sinner!?!?
Jesus is producing love, joy, peace, etc, in people all over the world, including the unchurched.
He is looking for partners with His Spirit, for people who join Him in love, kindness, patience, etc.
In my work in the community, I’m often blessed to find such partners outside the church.
Among those the church deems sinners, outsiders, lost, far from God.
This goodness does not save anyone, but it does point us in the right direction… to Jesus.
Might it a sin against the Spirit to refuse to call what they do good (see Matthew 12:22-37)?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know that I’m not saved because of my goodness… no one is. But help me to see that goodness is a fruit of Your Spirit at work within us, and that wherever there is goodness, Your Spirit is at work!

One Comment

  1. Fruit bearers.
    Producing good fruit.
    That’s what God’s people must do.
    God entrusts us with His gifts and gives us work to do in His kingdom and He promises us that we will bear much fruit if we abide in Him.
    The religious leaders of the day were self seekers – seeking only for their own glory.
    And we still have those today.
    But His gifts go beyond His people. I see this when I look at all the good works and good discoveries that were/are being made. But only those in Him will live for Him forevermore.
    We need to work for the King today and always walking in His SonShine.

    Jesus, please work in me
    Make me who I should be
    And so I’ll serve You faithfully,
    Lord, give me the fruit of the Spirit.

    Love, joy, peace, patience kindness,
    Goodness, faithfulness,
    Gentleness and self-control.
    These are the fruit of the Spirit.

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