Not just for me, but for all!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 19:25-30
“Will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)
Jesus speaks of great sacrifice for His sake, of giving up our hollow dreams for His kingdom dream.
But why would anyone sacrifice themselves for Jesus like this?
Think of people like Rosa Parks, refusing to give up their seats on segregated buses.
They were taking a stand that would cost much, for themselves, their families and others.
They were choosing justice, equality, love and peace FOR ALL, giving up themselves for a greater cause!
THIS is the call of Jesus, to put our comfort on the line for a greater good, a greater cause.
To this Jesus offers the greatest reward – life in God’s kingdom restored!
We should not just choose Jesus for personal gain, for heavenly ‘stuff’.
Sadly, we often sound more like Peter, “what’s in it for me?”
Selfish living is an empty life, always seeking but never finding, and ultimately losing it all.
Choosing Jesus is choosing justice, equality, love, peace for all, the full meaning of ‘eternal life’.
Choosing Jesus is a rejection of selfish living, an embracing of selfless living – with, like and for Jesus!
We refuse to settle for this bankrupt world and life, we long for the fullness of God’s kingdom dream.
Will I sacrifice myself for this cause, for the reward of God’s better world FOR ALL!?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for thinking more of the personal cost or benefits of following You. Open my eyes to see the ‘hundredfold’ blessing of God’s better world restored for all.

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