Grace from beginning to end!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 19:1-9
“Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.” (Matthew 19:8)
The Pharisees were students of the book (John 5:39-40).
They knew exactly what Moses said, but they did not know the heart of God.
Jesus explains that what Moses wrote was not God’s eternal will.
The Law of Moses was written with sinful people in mind, to accommodate their hardened hearts.
In other words, not everything in the bible is God’s eternal will!!!
This makes me VERY cautious when I interpret the bible… is this God’s eternal will?
I fear that we focus too much on Moses (or Paul), and lose sight of God and Jesus.
The writings of Moses or Paul (or others) reveal a gracious, accommodating, loving God.
They show us our need for grace, mercy and love… and how Jesus embodies these.
We will continue to disagree on how to interpret the bible on specific topics.
Our hearts are hard, we will mess things up, including our bible interpretations.
But may we at least agree on trusting and following God’s grace, mercy and love.
I know for sure these were His will “from the beginning!”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to know Your heart, and not just memorize Your words. Help me to reflect Your grace from the beginning, and not just my own hardened heart.

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