Walking the bridge of forgiveness

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 18:28-35
“Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” (Matthew 18:33)
Jesus reminds us of the connection between forgiving, and being forgiven (Matthew 6:12).
We are on the bridge of forgiveness with God.
If we hack it down to keep others from crossing, we go down too.
If mercy is how we get to cross, shouldn’t others be allowed to cross that way too.
Our problem is that we tend to maximize others’ sins, and minimize our own.
We admit our sins, but they’re not as bad as THAT person’s sins.
‘Look what they did to me, look how they have hurt people.’
While we were yet sinners, God forgave us in Christ… before we repented.
Repentance is the key to enjoying God’s forgiveness.
Like God, we forgive others in the hope that they would repent (admit their offense).
No they do not deserve it, but neither did we.
Repentance is still essential for experiencing God’s forgiveness.
But grace is the way of bringing sinners to repentance, helping them see the bridge.
Will I join Jesus in sharing the bridge of forgiveness to those who need it, like me?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, whenever I am tempted to hold a grudge, or refuse to forgive, remind me of the gently swaying bridge of mercy upon which I myself and standing.

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