Our place in the family!

“The Levites are mine, for all the firstborn are mine.” (Numbers 3:12-13)
Where did you fit in your family birth order… and does it matter?
I’m the third of four children, and I had it the hardest in my family!
(At least that is how I remember it, my family may dispute that).
In ancient times, birth order mattered – the firstborn had the prime position.
Theirs was both the blessing of privilege and the burden of responsibility.
The Levites were assigned the role of firstborn, and were placed at the heart of the camp.
This idea of ‘election’ (or being chosen) was not intended as favoritism.
It was a huge responsibility, with serious expectations and important tasks.
Everything rests on the firstborn to keep things right, or to make things right.
When we understand this, we understand why Jesus was called ‘the firstborn’ (Colossians 1:15,18)
Jesus takes on the responsibility to make things right, AND HE DOES!
“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” (Romans 8:29)
Too often ‘being chosen’ is viewed more as privilege, rather than as responsibility.
We have been chosen to stand with the firstborn, to become like Him, to make things right with Him.
This is the only context I will speak about ‘election’ (or God’s choosing) – as a serious calling.
If you want to take God’s choosing seriously, then this is your time to rise up in service for God.
We are the Levites of today, not just doing church work but doing kingdom work.
God has placed us in the heart of our community to represent Him and His ways.
Showing and sharing the love, joy, peace, etc., of God in how we live, how we love, how we lead.
Practically speaking, where will you stand out today in sharing and showing God’s love where you are?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, just like the Levites, I have a place and task in the world. Forgive me for focusing more on the privileges of my salvation, and neglecting my responsibilities.

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