With Jesus on the water!

walk-on-waterTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 14:22-36
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)
I was asked to speak at a ‘diversity’ event for the regional government.
I was asked as a Christian, and a pastor, but I was to speak to the diversity of religion.
When I received the request, I turned pale as a ghost, I was terrified by the prospect.
But the Lord encouraged me, ‘take courage, it is I, don’t be afraid!’
You might say this is different than seeing a ghost walking on water while in a storm on a boat.
Granted, but I have never been in that situation; I was in this situation.
I decided to trust the Lord, and step out of the boat… I walked on water.
I stepped out in boldness to speak for Jesus in a non-Christian environment.
I spoke about diversity, and religion, but I especially spoke about Jesus.
(Which is probably why I was never invited back again).
We all face different situations that cause us fear; for each of us they require courage.
We don’t have to compare ours with Peter’s, or say that our fears don’t mean as much.
When we step out of the boat with Jesus, for Jesus, He will show up somehow.
But if we don’t step out, we will not experience Jesus’ hand reaching out to help us.
Jesus is out there in the storms and crises, standing OVER them, walking OVER the enemy.
He is calling you to step out and join Him, to refuse to let the enemy’s lies and fears stop you.
Is it scary… you better believe it.
But meeting Jesus there is worth it… in the end you will worship Him (v.33)
Jesus is approaching you in this stormy, scary situation, and with hand stretched out, He says,
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I hear You calling me to step out of the boat. Not sure yet what this means exactly for today, but will keep my eyes open for the storm and the opportunity. But please give me courage!

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