The greatest wonder of the world!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 13:53-58
“A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.” (Matthew 13:57)
When we lived near Niagara Falls, we did not enjoy going there to visit.
Even though many consider it the 8th natural wonder of the world.
Yet we were too familiar with it, had seen it too many times, we took it for granted.
The people from Jesus’ hometown could not see anything wonderful about Jesus.
They were too familiar with Jesus, His family, He was just one of them.
For this reason, they DID NOT see anything wonderful in Jesus, because of their lack of confidence.
I was born and raised in the church, Jesus is just part of the scenery for me.
It seem that familiarity, though not breeding contempt, can breed lack of wonder.
On my journey with Jesus, I am still learning to expect dynamic works from Jesus.
I speak of them all the time (in my sermons), but do I expect them from Him?
Someone said ‘expect great things from God, attempt great things for God!’
I’d like this, I would like to grow in this.
Its not that I’m taking offense at Jesus, nor feeling contempt for Him.
But I would love to get to know Him in a fresh way.
To meet Him again for the very first time!
And to be filled with wonder again, and to expect something wonderful from Him.
Some of you may be like me, long-time Christians who have lost their wonder at Jesus.
This is not a judgment, but an invitation, to expect great things from Jesus.
May the Lord do dynamic works in my life today, and may I be filled with wonder again!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for my lack of wonder and expectation. The longer I’ve known You, the lesser I’ve appreciated You. May You be to me the 1st greatest wonder of the world!

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