Who or what lives in you?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 12:43-45
“Seven other spirits more wicked than itself…” (Matthew 12:45)
I don’t know exactly what evil spirits are, but I know what they do.
Their primary power is deception, negative voices that whisper their lies.
What Jesus describes is how deception increases, and bondage magnifies.
The Enemy uses what it can to bring us down, we all have our own weakness.
The Enemy does not quit when we start getting our lives in order.
It just comes from a different angle, and with more deceptive power.
The religious leaders had ‘cleaned up’ their lives, and yet somehow they were worse.
The deceptive voices multiplied their efforts, and made them even worse (as religious oppressors).
“It finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order.” (Matthew 12:44)
No matter how we put our lives in order, as long as our heart is empty, we are at risk.
Our hearts were not meant to be unoccupied; God was supposed to live there.
Without God at the center, other spirits will make themselves at home.
We cannot reclaim our hearts and minds and lives alone, by self-help or religion.
As long as God does not live within us, welcome and at home, something else will.
Living in fellowship with God and Jesus is the key to freedom and fulfilled living.
“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the only spirit I want living in me is Your Spirit!

One Comment

  1. Our house.
    What is the centre of our house?
    What occupies our house?
    It is not neutral. What evidences are there of ‘who lives there.’
    When I used to walk into a classroom of a teacher, my question was ‘What physical evidences are here that Jesus Christ resides here?’
    So it is with our hearts. Jesus Christ must reside there. It is not vacant. Either Christ reigns or His adversary.
    And when Christ reigns all will be for kingdom building, serving the Lord. His Spirit needs to drive us in all we do each day.
    ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’

    I don’t know where you lay your head
    or where you call your home
    I don’t know where you eat your meals
    or where you talk on the phone
    I don’t know if you got a cook a butler or a maid
    I don’t know if you got a yard with a hammock in the shade

    I don’t know if you got some shelter, say a place to hide
    I don’t know if you live with friends in whom you can confide
    I don’t know if you got a family, say a mom or dad
    I don’t know if you feel love at all, but I bet you wish you had

    Come and go with me to my Father’s house
    Come and go with me to my Father’s house

    It’s a big big house
    with lots and lots a room
    A big big table
    with lots and lots of food
    A big big yard
    where we can play football
    A big big house
    Its my Fathers house

    All I know is a big ol’ house with rooms for everyone
    All I know is lots a land where we can play and run
    All I know is you need love and I’ve got a family
    All I know is your all alone so why not come with me?

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