What is the kingdom of God to you?

Check out my friend’s blog post about her response to the question, ‘what is the kingdom of God to you?’ God is speaking through her!!!

“ ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs’ ” (Matt. 5:3).

It’s Friday morning.

I wake up all groggy from a restless sleep and I look at my clock. It reads 7:15 am. Panic runs through me. I was supposed to be gone by 7 to meet with a friend for coffee. I slept through my alarm which NEVER happens. I don’t like to ever be late. I roll off my bed, throw on some clothes and brush my hair back into a twisted bun.

I think perhaps I slept maybe three full hours last night. My eyes are heavy and my heart is racing. If I know anything about my own attacks by the enemy, it’s during sleep. You could write movies with the amount of crazy dreams that happen in my head at night!

I reach my destination at 8 am which means I am already 15 minutes late. My friend is waiting for me with my candy cane peppermint hot chocolate in one hand (she knows me too well) I thank her and I put down my laptop and bag on the floor beside us. As I take out my laptop (assuming I am going to show her how to write blog posts for her own church that she is part of) she says suddenly, “Talia, what is the kingdom of God to you?” (Full article here).

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