The leap of trust!

“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.” (Psalm 25:1)
David is pleading for God’s help BECAUSE He trusts God.
He is reaching out to God over the gap, jumping into His arms.
He’s taking a chance, will God catch him, will God help him?
“No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame.” (Psalm 25:3)
Belief, faith, trust, confidence – all these words mean the same thing.
It means rejecting my fear and trusting my Father, even if its uncertain.
There are things that I am facing that are uncertain.
Do I trust that God is with me in this, that He will guide, or catch me?
This is where faith is, not just in reciting a creed or professing my faith.
I believe in my head that God is at work in my life for good.
I believe in my head that God will not abandon me, even if I struggle.
But will I believe it with my heart, with my life, with my words, with my actions?
God is good, reliable, wise… more than anyone else He deserves my trust!
Today again I jump into the unknown, trusting that His hands will be there to catch me.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I believe in my head, but I need help trusting in my heart. I choose to jump towards You, I’m trusting You to catch me.

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