The devil cannot succeed!

“Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.” (Psalm 21:11)
I am in a season of uncertainty, where the future seems unclear to me.
In this space, the enemy loves to sow doubt, confusion, fear, defeat.
Every morning I sit here and remind myself of what this Psalm says.
This IS a battle, but the outcome is assured – Satan cannot succeed against me.
Don’t get me wrong, I get knocked off the horse often, and its very frustrating.
But what keeps me going, what prompts me to get back on the horse every time?
“Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed.” (Psalm 21:11)
The enemy is so subtle, so sinister, every day he finds new schemes to undermine me.
It seems to me that most people struggle against his schemes, but so few talk about it.
Pretending to be strong helps no one, not yourself and not others.
What sets us apart is not the excellence of our faith, the but excellence of the One our faith is in.
“Through the unfailing love of the Most High we will not be shaken.” (v.7)
It is not weakness to admit the struggle, it is weakness to give in to the struggle.
And even then, when we are weak, the Lord is strong – gracious, patient, ready to help.
Let’s admit our struggles together, so that we know we are not alone.
And let’s rejoice in the Lord together, so that we know we are not alone.
If our God is for us, who or what can be against us? (Romans 8:37-39)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am not struggling alone. Others are struggling with me, and You struggle with me. You overcame the struggle for me, and I will overcome in You. Help me to resist the devil so that he will flee from me.

One Comment

  1. I heard there was once a point in history that churches and people of leadership would not talk about the enemy we face. It was even shunned from being talked about which I find kind of funny considering it’s such a real issue. Now a days it is becoming more of a talked about issue. I mean I get it we don’t want to give credit where it ain’t due but pretending or hiding the very battle by choosing to be blind to it is just as deceiving! Anyways that’s not where I was going with this.
    I have had to learn this the hard way and through reminders (yeah thanks) that yes the struggle is very real. But that it shouldn’t have the victory in my life and be what drives me. The enemy loves to keep me in the process stage of fear, uncertainties, unknowns instead of me letting go and letting God move me to the productivity of being fully obident to Him no matter what I can or cannot see regarding my circumstances. This took me a crazy amount of time to grasp. And guess what? I sometimes choose to not obey God, I sometimes doubt. I sometimes wrestle with things that aren’t even in my own control but Jesus meets me right where I am and He is patience, loving and gracious towards me.
    This is the beauty of struggling together because it means God is working in our own stubborn, deceived hearts too. When our flesh and spirit would rather choose to do what we are comfortable with then what we know He is calling us to do even if that means being Moses standing there knowing that, “but Lord why not go this way?” I know this way will save us all and hearing God say “but I know a better way.” Exodus 14

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