Rise up and stand firm!

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)
What might this verse look like in the 21st century?
Some trust in… politicians, doctors, money, religious leaders, science, technology?
Actually, I think we’ve entered a stage in history where few people trust anyone.
We’ve learned the hard way that most people will let us down, even people we love.
We’ve become lonely, desperate rangers, trusting ourselves and few others.
As Christians we refuse to give in to the loneliness and despair.
We saw Jesus walk that path – abandoned and broken – yet He did not give in, and overcame.
He is God’s Christ (‘anointed one’, v.6) and we are God’s Christians in Christ (‘anointed ones’).
My battles and your battles are different, but they are still battles for each of us.
The Enemy does what he can to bring us to our knees and fall in despair and defeat.
Everyday whispers of doubt and discouragement come at us, we are under attack.
Some try to hide or numb the feelings, looking to all kinds of things for false hope.
I look to Jesus, I trust in God, I refuse to give in or give up.
Where are you under attack right now?
Giving in or giving up may feel like your only options, but they’re not – its a lie!
Jesus made a way through, and He is with us on this path to the very end.
Victory is assured, keep trusting in Him… you WILL rise up and stand firm!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may You do all the things the psalmist mentions in this Psalm. Give victory to us in our battles, answer us when we call!

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