Talk it through with Him!

prayer-1THE STORY OF JESUS: Psalm 16
“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.” (Psalm 16:7)
Do you talk through your struggles or challenges with the Lord?
David is wrestling with God in the middle of a crisis.
He is affirming the Lord as his guide and helper Who will get him through this.
My experience is the same as David’s, talking troubles through with the Lord.
For me either journaling or walking will do; when I do the Lord counsels me.
Recently some late night walks have been helpful and clarifying.
The Voice of the Lord instructs me in my heart and mind as I walk, and talk it out.
Its not instant – pray and be better – but its consistent.
By the end of my walk, nothing may have changed, but my mind is in a better place.
I have a better sense of what is true, and of what I need to do.
Now I’ve been doing this for years (since I began in ministry), so it comes naturally now.
This is how God speaks to me, maybe you have other ways of receiving God’s guidance.
We were never promised an easy journey, but a constant companion and a certain homecoming.
Why struggle alone; God does not remove the struggles, but He can put them in their place.
Take time to walk and talk things through with God…
He will make known to you the path of life, and fill you with joy in is presence!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for the years of walking and talking with me through my own unique struggles. I am weak, but You are strong; together we make a great team.


  1. ‘I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’
    As I read and listened o this Psalm, the above words stood out for me. I am on a journey – pilgrim’s progress – and His Light is my compass. As the people of Israel were guided by the fire and cloud so too I am guided by His Word which is a light to my path showing my eyes the Way I need to travel.
    And as I travel, I am never alone. He is my companion. As I start the day and finish the day talking to Him, also along the journey I talk to my God. Comfort, assurance, guidance is only a reality when I put my hand into His. Then I am strong because He leads me and guides me along the Way. This way I am able to enjoy each day in joy for the joy of the Lord God is my strength.

    Lead me oh Lord, won’t You lead me
    I am tired and I need Thy strength and power
    To guide me over my darkest hour
    Lord just open mine eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t You lead me

    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if You lead me I cannot stray
    Lord just open mine eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t You lead me

    I am lost if You take Your hand from me
    I am blind without Thy light to see
    Lord just always let me Thy servant be
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t You lead me

    Lead me, guide me along the way
    For if You lead me I cannot stray
    Lord just open mine eyes that I may see
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t You lead me
    Lead me oh Lord, won’t You lead me

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